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About TIWM

Regulatory bodies like Tamilnadu Pollution Control Board, Central Pollution Control Board, National Green Tribunal and Ministry of Environmental Forest have framed various regulatory guidelines and recommendation to protect the environment from various sources of pollution generated from Industries, Health Care Centres, Hotels, Universities, Shopping malls, Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility, Biomedical Waste Facility, Plastic Waste Generators, Electronic Waste generators, AFRF facilitators, Recyclers, Cement Industries, Municipal Solid waste generators and disposal facilitators, Etc., There is a need for a Scientific Association which integrates all the wastes generated and to guide the generators and disposers with the Scientific, Updated regulatory Guide lines and Technologies framed by the regulatory bodies, with the proper guidance of Environmental Scientists and Experts from various Regulatory bodies like CPCB, NEERI, MoEF, NGT and CSIR (The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) centres like CLRI, NEERI, IITM, etc., to cater and fulfil the requirements of the Waste generators and disposers and to protect the environment from polluters a registered Scientific Research organisation was formed in the name Tamilnadu Integrated Waste Management Association here in forth called as TIWM.

The Tamilnadu Integrated waste Management (TIWM) Association was formed on 5th June 2018 during a scientific and Expert meeting on Environment day Celebration held at Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai. The Association was registered under the societies and labour act.

Currently the Association has nearly 752 active volunteers from various organisations and Industries under a group called as “Green Warriors”.

Objective of the Association:
The main objective of TIWM is to Scientifically Regulate, Reduce, Reuse and Recover (S5R) resources usage and to reduce the environmental impact by Zero Wastes from various sources and to promote sustainable Green technologies with minimal impact to the environment by safeguarding and complying the environmental regulations in a safe and scientific responsible manner and carrying forward the protected environment to the future generations.

To Scientifically Regulate, Reduce, Reuse, Recover the Resources from waste Generated from various waste generators. To conduct Technical and Scientific audits for Statutory requirements for Industries, Health Care Centres, Hotels, Universities, Schools, Shopping malls, Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility, Biomedical Waste Facility, Plastic Waste Generation Units, Electronic Waste generators, Waste generated from Customs department, Alternative Fuel Resource Facilities, Preprocessing facilities, Recyclers, Construction and Demolition Waste generation units, Resource recovery units, Cement Industries, Municipal Solid waste facilities and generation units from apartments and disposal facilities, etc., The purpose of Scientific and Technical audits to reduce the environmental impact by Zero Waste by the scientific technologies developed by various researchers/scientists to promote Sustainable Green Technologies by minimising the impact of pollution towards environment by complying the environmental regulations in a safe and scientifically responsible manner and carrying forward the environment to the future generations.

Vision Statement:

  • Scientifically Regulate, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover (S5R) resource usage.
  • Developing a sustainable Green environment through advanced technologies.
  • Scientifically Conversation of Waste management to Resource Management
  • Waste Exchange programme.

  • Who can become a Member :
    Any new Industrial entrepreneurs, Industries, Waste generators from various Health Care Centres, Hotels, Universities, Shopping malls, Hazardous Waste Disposal Facility, Biomedical Waste Facility, Plastic Waste Generators, Electronic Waste generators, AFRF facilitators, Recyclers, Cement Industries, Municipal Solid waste generators and disposal facilitators, Etc., which ever organisation or waste generators fall under Red, Orange, Green and White as per regulatory guidelines.

    Benefits of the Member: ( @ free of cost)
    • Members will be given guidance for their environmental problems in a scientific manner.
    • One representative from the member organisation will be waved from the Participation fee in one Seminar / Conference conducted by the organisation per year.
    • Members will be provided Regulatory Updates through mail.
    • One representative from the registered organisation will be taken for Industrial Visit per Year.
    • Free E News Letters.
    • Guidance on regulatory filing like OCMMS, Online monitoring, technical Consultancy.
    • Member Ship Fees: (quarterly, excluding tax)
      Large: 10000
      Medium: 5000
      Small & Tiny: 2500

      DD or Cheque can be drawn in favour of “Tamilnadu Integrated Waste Management Association” Payable at Chengalpattu. Registration forms can be downloaded from our website Enclosures: Application form, Auditor statement of the organisation, D.D, TNPCB consent order copy.

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